Wednesday, 23 March 2011

portraits portraits portraits

Another busy weekend of photographing families and children. Here are a few of our favourites in the most cute category! If you would like to book a portrait session with us its only £45 and you get so many photos to choose from ! Enough for a lovely book or lots of choice for wall art. We are probably the most child friendly studio in Surrey which is why people come back year after year to have fun.

Now that Spring has arrived we are planning to be outside more too. We shot a gorgeous engagement sitting this week at Nonsuch , there are a few shots from this too . Roll on Summer

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Portraits this weekend

It was a great weekend for portraits with some lovely light for natural photography as well as studio shots. Lots of happy family photographs . It is always good to shoot a real mixture of shots within a family sitting so that our clients have great choice within their photographs. It can be hard to choose as there are so many and lots of families opt for a photob
ook - a hard backed book which tells the story of the session and can be proudly displayed on coffee tables throughout Surrey!. We proof the design first so that clients can see and love the layout - they are very popular. Here a couple of our favourite shots from the weekend.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Cheeky smiles

This was a fun time in the studio. We photographed this lovely family when she was a baby and now she is definitely on the move!. A portrait sitting full of smiles!